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My Healthy Digital Health Navigator Training

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Getting Started: The Pre-Quiz
    1 Quiz
  2. Introduction to Telehealth:
    5 Topics
  3. Digital Navigation and Health Literacy:
    6 Topics
  4. My Healthy Digital Navigators:
    5 Topics
  5. Basic Observation and Communication Skills
    2 Topics
  6. Using Digital Devices in Telehealth
    3 Topics
  7. Support of Telehealth Services:
    5 Topics
  8. Evaluation and Monitoring:
    5 Topics
LEARN It! Challenge Progress
0% Complete

This is brief introduction of several devices you may encounter. There are associated videos and more information available to you to learn more.

Device NameHow it worksHow to use it
Smart ThermometerA thermometer that connects to a smartphone or other device through Bluetooth. It allows you to take a person’s temperature and display the results on your phone.1. Turn on Bluetooth on the person’s phone. 2. Open the app for the thermometer. 3. Hold the thermometer under the person’s tongue or in their ear for a few seconds. 4. The temperature will appear on the phone’s screen. 5. Record the temperature in a log or shared document
Smart Blood Pressure MonitorA monitor that uses an inflatable cuff to measure the force of blood flow through the person’s artery. It then sends the data to a smartphone or other device through Bluetooth.1. Turn on Bluetooth on the person’s phone. 2. Open the app for the monitor. 3. Place the cuff around the person’s upper arm and fasten it securely. 4. Press the button to start the measurement. 5. The blood pressure reading will appear on the phone’s screen. 6. Record the reading in a log or shared document
Smart Pill DispenserA dispenser that can be programmed to dispense pills at specific times. It can also send reminders to the person’s smartphone or other device when it’s time to take their medication.1. Fill the dispenser with the person’s medication. 2. Set the dispenser to dispense the medication at the appropriate times. 3. Make sure the person’s phone has the dispenser’s app downloaded and open. 4. The dispenser will send a reminder to the person’s phone when it’s time to take their medication. 5. The person can dispense the medication by pressing a button on the dispenser or through the app.
Smart ScaleA scale that uses Bluetooth to send weight data to a smartphone or other device.1. Turn on Bluetooth on the person’s phone. 2. Open the app for the scale. 3. Step on the scale and wait for the weight to appear on the phone’s screen. 4. Record the weight in a log or shared document.
Smart WatchA watch that can track activity, monitor heart rate and sleep, and send alerts to the person’s smartphone or other device.1. Charge the watch and turn it on. 2. Download the watch’s app to the person’s phone. 3. Connect the watch to the person’s phone through Bluetooth. 4. Set up the watch’s settings according to the person’s preferences. 5. The watch will track the person’s activity, monitor their heart rate, and send alerts to their phone.
Pulse OximeterA device that attaches to a finger or earlobe and measures the oxygen level in the blood. The device sends the data to a smartphone or other device through Bluetooth.1. Turn on Bluetooth on the person’s phone. 2. Open the app for the oximeter. 3. Insert the sensor into the person’s finger or earlobe. 4. Wait for the oxygen level to appear on the phone’s screen. 5. Record the oxygen level in a log or shared document.
Location MonitorA device that uses GPS to track the person’s location and sends the data to a smartphone or other device through Bluetooth.1. Turn on Bluetooth on the person’s phone. 2. Open the app for the location monitor. 3. Turn on the device and place it in a pocket or attach it to the person’s clothing. 4. The device will track the person’s location and send the data to their phone.
Step TrackerA device that tracks the number of steps the person takes and sends the data to a smartphone or other device through Bluetooth.

Challenge and Invitation

You are encouraged to get your hands on various devices and learn how to use them so well, you create a post in this portal, a video as if you are explaining it to a colleague or client.

You are also invited to opt into and follow our web broadcast series that will address these and other related issues. We will be sharing announcement in the NOTIFICATIONS tab and FEED for you, and will post them on the calendar. If you have a specific request, message me….Dr Rob