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My Healthy Digital Health Navigator Training

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Getting Started: The Pre-Quiz
    1 Quiz
  2. Introduction to Telehealth:
    5 Topics
  3. Digital Navigation and Health Literacy:
    6 Topics
  4. My Healthy Digital Navigators:
    5 Topics
  5. Basic Observation and Communication Skills
    2 Topics
  6. Using Digital Devices in Telehealth
    3 Topics
  7. Support of Telehealth Services:
    5 Topics
  8. Evaluation and Monitoring:
    5 Topics
LEARN It! Challenge 4, Topic 3
In Progress

The use of 360° Human: an interactive human anatomy tool, and its various features

LEARN It! Challenge Progress
0% Complete

360° Human is an interactive human anatomy tool that allows users to explore the human body in 3D, identify different parts of the body, and learn about their functions.

By using 360° Human, digital navigators can teach users about the anatomy of the body, helping them better understand health conditions, treatments, and procedures.

It will be an effective way to guide users through the complexities of human anatomy.

Navigate to the 360 Human Challenge resources on the right. Warn points with each one you spend a minute on. Use them to help educate yourself, your supervisor, your clients and interested family members.