360° Human Explorer Challenge

How well do you really know your body?

The Force for Health 360° Human Academy features nearly 1000 pages on interactive, 3D models to explore and experience as you become a stronger and more health literate force for health, taking your learning to the next level.

Check out this interactive 3-D Force for Health® Human, where you can explore the inside of your heart, blood and cardiovascular system in 3-D!

How well do you know how to protect your heart?  Take this short quiz by clicking on the Blue Button on the lower right and then “Take Quiz”.   

Use the three small dots to your bottom right to open up interactive tools to rotate, zoom, dissect and identify all the parts of our bodies that help us pump blood to our entire systems for life!

Are you Ready to Start Exploring your 360° Human?

My 360° Human Explorer Badge Tracker

360° Human Explorer: Biomechanics

360 Human Female Systems Overview

190 Human Explorer Coins

360 Human Male Systems Overview

170 Human Explorer Coins

360° Human Procedures Badge

510 Human Explorer Coins

Blood, Heart, and Circulation

1280 Human Explorer Coins

Respiratory System

200 Human Explorer Coins

Mouth and Teeth

200 Human Explorer Coins

Brain and Nerves

880 Human Explorer Coins

Ear, Nose, and Throat

190 Human Explorer Coins

Eyes and Vision

430 Human Explorer Coins

Digestive System

1070 Human Explorer Coins

Kidney and Urinary System

290 Human Explorer Coins

Immune System

570 Human Explorer Coins

Skin, Hair, and Nails

960 Human Explorer Coins

Bones, Joints, and Muscles

910 Human Explorer Coins


500 Human Explorer Coins

Female Reproductive System

380 Human Explorer Coins

Male Reproductive System

130 Human Explorer Coins

360° Human Explorer CHAMP

1000 Human Explorer Coins

The 360° Human Academy and Challenges are included with all Ambassador Memberships

360° Ambassador Member Features