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My Healthy Digital Health Navigator Training

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Getting Started: The Pre-Quiz
    1 Quiz
  2. Introduction to Telehealth:
    5 Topics
  3. Digital Navigation and Health Literacy:
    6 Topics
  4. My Healthy Digital Navigators:
    5 Topics
  5. Basic Observation and Communication Skills
    2 Topics
  6. Using Digital Devices in Telehealth
    3 Topics
  7. Support of Telehealth Services:
    5 Topics
  8. Evaluation and Monitoring:
    5 Topics
LEARN It! Challenge 4, Topic 4
In Progress

Using Wellness Club Platform, a digital platform that helps individuals improve their health through healthy behaviors

LEARN It! Challenge Progress
0% Complete

The Wellness Club Platform is a digital platform that helps individuals improve their health through healthy behaviors.

It includes features such as personalized health assessments, healthy recipes, and tracking tools.

Digital Navigators can help users get the most out of this platform by teaching them how to set goals, track progress, and identify areas where they can make improvements in their health.

They also can assist users in creating personalized health plans and provide guidance on how to use the platform to meet their health needs.

You can use your Virtual Wellness Club in an App or Online. The Navigation is on the right side of the screen to your personal club membership pages.