Healthy Start: Pregnancy 101
Before we started...
Initial Appointment Checklist11 Topics-
Research Ob in your area (OB, PA< Midwife, etc.)
Make Appointment with Provider of Choice
Confirm Pregnancy with Provider
Stop alcohol, smoking or illicit drug use
Talk to doctor about past history
Continue to exercise
Start Prenatal Vitamin
Vital Signs Checked
pelvic Exam and Pap Smear
Blood Draw
Schedule blood draw
Research Ob in your area (OB, PA< Midwife, etc.)
First TrimesterInitial Checklist Before First Appointment9 Topics
Pap Smear
Discuss Labor Plans
Knowing your risk factors
Continue with prenatal vitamin
Monitor Weight & Discuss with provider
Continue Exercise and drink plenty of water
Between 11th and 13th week, discuss genetic test imaging with provider
Between 11th and 13th week, fetal heart tones
Discuss Risk Factors with Provider for use of aspirin
Pap Smear
1.1 Adapting to the First Trimester
1.2 Your 1st Trimester Changes
1.3 Common Questions 1
1.4 Common Questions 2
1.5 What is Domestic Abuse?
Healthy Habits2.1 Healthy Eating Habits
2.2 Nutrition during Pregnancy
2.3 Planning your Exercise Routine
2.4 How Smoking Affect Pregnancy
2.5 Quit Smoking during Pregnancy
2.6 Sex and Pregnancy - During
2.7 Skincare during Pregnancy
Prenatal Visits, Tests and More3.1 Pre-Natal Care
3.2 Your Weight
3.3 Gestational Diabetes
3.4 Kicks Count
3.5 Placenta Previa
3.6 Preclampsia
3.7 Anemia
3.8 Blood Glucose
3.9 RH Negative Screening
2nd Trimester and Body Changes4.0 Second Trimester Checklist10 Topics
Weight & Blood pressure Check
Fetal Heart, height and weight
Prep list of items needed for self, family and new baby
Preparation for list of items for baby shower or other sources
Securing a breast pump - Buy, use insurance and other sources
Continue Weight Monitoring
16th Week - Follow up with Provider on Genetic Testing, if indicated
By week 24, ultrasound - Boy or Girl, if you want to know?
Week 24 - Talk to provider about potential challenges and concerns
Weeks 24 - 28 - Gestational Diabetes Screening
Weight & Blood pressure Check
4.1 Adapting to 2nd Trimester
4.2 Your Second Trimester Changes
4.3 Back Pain during Pregnancy
4.4 Body Changes During Pregnancy
3rd Trimester, Comfort Tips and Relieving Back PainThird Trimester Checklist12 Topics
Weight and Blood Pressure and Follow-up appointments, if needed
Fetal Heart beat and fundal height measurement
Discussion with Provider about labor plan (admissions, preparations, etc.)
Discuss Childbirth Education with Provider
Baby Shower and partner support activation
Packing a Bag for Delivery Day
Make sure car seat is ready and available
28th week - Receive TDAP vaccine
28th Week - RH Check
28th - 32th Week - Continue Bloodwork for Syphilis and HIV
Between 35-37th week: Group B Streptococcal Check
39th Week - Disuss Labor Induction and Expectations
Weight and Blood Pressure and Follow-up appointments, if needed
5.1 Adapting to 3rd Trimester
5.2 Your Third Trimester Changes
5.3 Comfort Tips
5.4 Relieving Back Pain during Pregnancy - Moving Safely
5.5 Relieving Back Pain during Pregnancy - Pelvic Tilt and leg lift
5.6 Relieving Back Pain during Pregnancy - Positioning Yourself
5.7 Relieving Back Pain during Pregnancy - Tailor Sit and Trunk Turn
5.8 Relieving Back Pain during Pregnancy - Wall Stretch & Body Bend
Infant Nutrition and Care6.1 Labor and Childbirth - Thinking about a Birth Plan
6.2 Labor and Childbirth - Support Person Notes
6.3 Vaginal Birth
6.4 Vaginal Birth after Cesarian
6.5 Breech Presentation
6.6 Cesarean Birth
6.7 - Before Cesarean Birth
6.8 Pre-Term Labor
6.9 Labor and Childbirth - Your Body Prepares
6.10 Recognizing Labor
6.11 Preparing for the Hospital
6.12 - Stages of Labor
6.13 Induction of Labor
6.14 Anesthesia Options
6.15 Labor and Childbirth - Without Medication
6.16 Labor and Childbirth - Immediately After Birth
6.17 Preparing to Go Home
6.18 Understanding Post Partem Depression
Labor, Birth and Aftercare7.1 Infant Nutrition and Care
7.2 Caring for Yourself
7.3 Anatomy and Breastfeeding
7.4 Benefits to Breastfeeding
7.5 Breastfeeding - Common Questions
7.6 Holds for Breastfeeding
7.7 Nutrition While Breastfeeding
7.8 Breastmilk - Expressing
7.9 Breastmilk - Storing
7.10 How to Bottlefeed
7.11 Circumsion Care
7.12 How to Diaper
7.13 Bathing Newborn
7.14 Laying Baby Down to Sleep
7.15 When to Call the Doctor
7.16 Umbilical Cord Care
7.17 Signs of Jaundice
Infant Safety8.1 Infant Safety
8.2 Choosing a Carseat
8.3 Car Seat Installation
8.4 Car Safety for Newborns
8.5 Car Seat Safety Checklist
4.4 Body Changes During Pregnancy
As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll notice a number of changes in your body. Some of these changes are due to the extra weight you’re carrying, while others are the result of hormonal changes. Here’s a look at some of the most common body changes during pregnancy:
Weight gain is one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy, and it’s also one of the most inevitable. Most women gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy, and while some of this weight is due to the baby, the placenta, and amniotic fluid, a good portion is extra fat that your body is storing in preparation for breastfeeding.
Another common pregnancy change is swelling in the ankles, feet, and legs. This is caused by the extra fluid in your body and the pressure of your growing uterus on the veins that return blood from your lower body to your heart. To help reduce swelling, prop up your feet when you’re sitting and avoid standing for long periods of time.
Stretch marks are another pregnancy-related change that can occur on your stomach, breasts, and thighs. These marks are due to the stretching of your skin as your body grows, and although they may fade somewhat after pregnancy, they’re generally permanent.
Heartburn is another common pregnancy complaint. This burning sensation in the chest is caused by the extra acid in your stomach, which is necessary to help digest the extra food you’re eating. To help prevent heartburn, eat small meals throughout the day and avoid spicy, fatty, or acidic foods.
You may also notice that your hair is thicker and shinier during pregnancy. This is due to the increased levels of estrogen in your body, which stimulate hair growth. Unfortunately, this pregnancy side effect doesn’t last, and you may find that your hair is thinner after pregnancy.
Finally, pregnancy can cause skin changes. Some women develop a dark line called the linea nigra running down their stomachs, while others notice dark patches of skin on their faces. These changes are due to the increased levels of melanin in your body, and they usually disappear after pregnancy.
While pregnancy brings about a number of changes to your body, it’s important to remember that these changes are temporary. With a healthy pregnancy and delivery, you’ll soon be back to your pre-pregnancy self.