This course will teach you what resiliency is, how to identify protective factors and signs of stress, how to manage that stress, and how to prepare and respond to tough situations.

Hear the thoughts of a doctor and first responder that has been on the ground aiding in the response and recovery from September 11 attack in NY, Hurricane Katrina, the Boston Marathon bombings, and the Amish school house shootings.

And now the  COVID pandemic with family and friend illness and death, but also recovery and achievement. 

Journey Content

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Learn it: Understanding Resilience

Live it: Let's Get Practical about Stress
Join the Project RecoverTeam for Distress Awareness, Referral, and Advocacy
Project Recover Next Steps for Personal and Community Mental Health

About Instructor


79 Journeys

Open Registration

Journey Includes

  • 9 LEARN It! Challenges
  • 26 Topics
  • 1 Quiz