With the EduCom Foundation and their fellows, this introduction to the prevention, understanding and treatment of diseases common in Africa is shared with the world to increase health literacy for residents or visitors, in hopes of reducing the frequency and severity for those lucky enough to be there. It is intended as an introduction to basic concepts and the learner is encouraged to seek out more information from the CDC, WHO, and local credible sources.

The videos provided were created with the assistance of EduCom fellows, Addison Konlan, Kofi Oduro, and Lois Adofowaa Amponsah.

This is part of the MyHealthyAfrica.com program powered by the Force for Health Network, in partnership with the EduCom Foundation and others.

About Instructor


79 Journeys

Open Registration

Journey Includes

  • 29 LEARN It! Challenges
  • 1 Quiz