Welcome to your HealthyME Basics Challenge.

Part of being a Force for Health® is knowing how the basics for health and starting with the focus on you.

Get started on improving your health literacy by completing this set of badges and earn your Level 1 Health BASICS Badge and Certificate

BMI Basics Badge

100 learn-it-coin

SMART Goals Basics Badge

200 learn-it-coin

Nutrition Basics

40 learn-it-coin

Cholesterol BASICS Badge

100 learn-it-coin

Fitness BASICS

30 learn-it-coin

Exercise and Fitness BASICS Badge

100 learn-it-coin

Diabetes BASICS Badge

100 learn-it-coin

First Aid BASICS Badge

70 learn-it-coin

Medical Terminology BASICS

300 learn-it-coin

Opiates 101

200 learn-it-coin

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