LEARN It! Challenge 7 of 10
In Progress

Education and Career Goals

Video Summary:

Across all disciplines and challenges, the use of goals that meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria, are more likely to give you success. Some suggestions for ways to think about for your education and career may be long or short term.

S is for specific. For short term goals, be very specific, such as I will understand and complete all the math problems in chapter 4. For long term, such as, I want to be an accountant or a pro-athlete, get help to be sure your series of goals are on track to get there.

M is for measurable. Pick a concept to master and measure with a test, or a book to read and finish and talk about.

A is for achievable. Bite sized goals are more successful. In Africa they ask “How do you eat and elephant…..One bite a time”.

R is for relevant. Have it be meaningful to your needs. Keep successful short term you can me your long term needs.

T is for timely. Set deadlines and break the task into a series and track your schedule.