A Call for Creativity

Publisher’s Note: On December 7, 2022, the leaders of AZ Flourishing, hosted a lunch, introducing their Healthy Communities and Wellness Alliance, focused on improving behavioral health outcomes throughout Arizona through more collaboration, innovation and funding.

The session closed with a Call for Creativity Disruptive Innovation Worksheet, for members to thinking about.  

Since AZ Flourishing are part of the Force for Health® Network, we are proud to host their healthy virtual boardroom, and offered to digitize the form for easier sharing and review.  Over the course of the next weeks, we will be gathering feedback and identifying game changer level ideas to see how we can attract more capital towards these worthy efforts in the behavioral health space.  We look forward to hearing your input.  Special thanks to AZ Flourishing co-founders, Conrad Plimpton and  Egils Milsbergs for their leadership in this important initiative!

Disruptive Innovation Worksheet

A Call for Creativity from AZ Flourishing

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