The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Releases 6 New Strategic Research and Action Plans for 2023 – 2026

Strategic Research Action Plans Fiscal Years 2023-2026

Source: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

Research in EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) provides solutions needed to meet today’s complex environmental and human health challenges. Research is organized around six highly integrated and transdisciplinary national research programs that are closely aligned with the Agency’s strategic goals and cross-Agency strategies. Each program is guided by a Strategic Research Action Plan (StRAP) developed by EPA with input from its many internal and external partners and stakeholders.

In addition to outlining a research framework, the StRAPs also describe the overall structure and purpose of the Program. The strategic directions and research areas identified in each StRAP serve as planning guides for ORD’s research centers to design specific research products to address the needs of both internal and external Agency partners and stakeholders. Partner engagement is an essential part of the StRAP development process to identify research needs to be addressed.

Additional information on ORD’s research planning process: ORD’s Strategic Research Planning


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