Activate your School into the Force for Health® Network


SCHOOLS  are a Force for Health and can influence, motivate, and empower youth to make a difference.


Our students and staff are challenged with disrupted learning, social isolation, and public health challenges with COVID and economic and behavioral health stressors.

The Force for Health Network public health leadership is engaging them to build their STEM skills, self-esteem and join the health care team at their level to help address local health and community issues.

This free resource is in your community and available for all students, parents, and staff. It is available for in school, after school, or neighborhood programming for one student or with professional development for the entire school.

The free membership is an online self directed or blended instructor facilitated program for grades 6th-12th, dealing with health and social issues. It is aligned with STEM, health, and PE standards. It incorporates a series of modules that include assessment, physical activity tracking, health, science, and civics engagement.



Use our free tools and low cost resources to complement health & PE classes or sponsor a STEAM² TEAM into the V.I.P. Community L.E.A.G.U.E.S and compete on the local, regional, and national level celebrating your students physical activity, learning, and community service. 

  • Increase healthy literacy tools for everybody, instantly, for your staff, students and their families
  • Create a culture of wellness for students, parents and staff
  • Have a school community with a Learn it, Live it, and Share it approach to help the person and the community.
  • Advance a culture of caring and kindness, project based learning, teamwork and leadership, 21st century job skills, and service learning with projects that can be tied into STEM, academics, ESL or other goals
  • Engaging students, staff, parents, and local community
  • K16 in school and after school, University, and Home school users

School District Leaders & Principals

Schools can be a

Activate Your District

Free Health Resources
Click Here

PE, Health & Science Teachers

Free & low cost resources to complement your lessons and help motivate your students to MOVE, LEARN & EARN


68 VIVA Challenges
Click Here

Enrichment & Social Impact STEAM² TEAMS

Activate your District with a new kind of healthy competition in the V.I.P. L.E.A.G.U.E.S., gamifying the practice of healthy citizenship

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Click Here


100+ Challenges and healthy tools in closed, private network

Easy Onboarding & Tracking

All plans include group Leader tracking tools, & engagement reports

Healthy Self-Paced Learning

Each engagement type can be tracked and rewarded by type and by group

Free Professional Development

All plans include teacher/group leader training & support

Safely Increase Connections

Networks can be valuable for everybody, when controlled and private

Easy, Healthy Fundraising Tools

All plans include e-Store, an easy healthy fundraising tool

Choose the perfect plan

If you are interested in starting a Force for Health® Program at your school, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!



Per Student/Year

360° Ambassadors


Per Student/Year

FFH Toolkit 500x 500 STEAM TEAM (6)



Per Student/Year

Frequently asked questions

The school site is a place where nearly every day students are coming and interacting with professionals of all sorts.  Each of these can provide guidance and instruction or support for making this place a culture of support for health and wellness.   

When a school joins, it has access a wealth of resources where it can dovetail the Force with its leadership, academic, service learning and school culture initiatives.  It is also relevant to staff for their own personal maintaining or regaining or advancing health and fitness. This can be done with professional development workshops or on an individual basis.

Membership can be used on several different levels. 

    • Free Basic Membership for all students, staff and parents.
    • Your school campus with up to 25 augmented reality locations in the F4H GO app to promote step counting and engaged learning.
    • Join and become a School Member
    • Attend an online webinar to guide you through getting started or arrange for a professional development workshop
    • Register your school in the Portal listing resources it may have in the community and be sure your members learn how to use the portal to find resources it may need.
    • Use the online Academy for personalized learning.
    • Build your own courses with our tools for your group on any topic and share those that are relevant with the appropriate community.
    • Engage in use of one of the apps for learning, walking, fund raising, or earning
    • Create a club or team to reach out into the community with their own project based service learning project
    • Use the program to advance workforce development.