Welcome to our Educom Worldwide TEAM

If you are interested in supporting worldwide access to education in a global, virtual healthy fundraiser, join our team today!

If you would like to really step up and support Educom, join our Ambassador’s Team for only $49.99/year, where net proceeds help fund scholarships, resources and tools for students seeking higher educational pathways.

Your Ambassador’s TEAM membership includes:

  • Unlimited Access to BASICS & VIVA Challenges plus Force4HealthGO App
  • Custom Health Risk Assessment – Behavioral Risk Age vs Biological Age – Personalized Report
  • 360° Human Experience – over 1,000 topics and 3-D Interactive pages
  • Access to IDEAS & TEAMS
  • Virtual Gym, Nutrition & Wellness Clubs with apps, portal  and Challenges
  • Access to roundtables, mentoring and group networking
  • Eligible for premium prizes and giveaways

EduCom partners with the Force for Health Network® to recruit and train a pipeline of future professionals to become health advancing citizens of Ghana in a fun, healthy virtual fundraiser designed to support the practice of healthy, global citizenship

The Force for Health Network Basic membership is being made available through a grant from My Healthy Globe, the company behind the Force for Health Network.  Additionally, support for the premium Ambassadors and Leadership training at the countries universities, and healthy fund raising tools will advance the program, provide incentives for success, and support college scholarships for students from Ghana that plan to stay in Ghana and advance the status of their neighbors.
EduCom is also partnering to spread the word about the Force for Health Network through its Board members and social media.  Any services or memberships purchased or donations made from this page, will go 100% to the support of the efforts to activate and expand the Force in Ghana.  
The current promotion is the Reality Health Challenge where teens and others, will be mentored to assess their own health and work to stabilize or advance it so that they can be a force for health for their neighbors.  
The participants will earn points when they Move, Learn, Serve, and Earn as they work through this game of life.  This is especially important now as the content will be stressing COVID related issues for prevention, survival, and recovery.  
Educom invites you to join the Force for Health Network and also gift a membership if you can.  
We are all in this together.  Let’s Team UP for a Smarter, Healthier and Wealthier Ghana. 

Meet your Student Lead Coaches!

Addison Konlan, Head Coach

Hello!  My name is Addison Konlan and we are excited to lead our team in the inaugural Reality Health Summer Challenge, where we will support and motivate everybody to MOVE, LEARN, SERVE and EARN to win points, recognition and even qualify for some cool prizes and giveways along the way.

We are focused on amplifying the mission of Educom Worldwide, which is to harness the power of education in the fight against unemployments and skills gap, primarily through sustainable tourism, knowledge transfer and lifelong learning for all.

This year, we focus on Ghana, so we invite you to join for free, upgrade to Ambassador or VIP Player, or support our efforts through a generous sponsorship.


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