LEARN It! Challenge 22 of 24
In Progress

Share it Forward: Remember the Past. Live in the Present. Prepare for the Future. The 911 National Memorial Trail story.

We can help remember the past and prepare for the future, by being active in the present to show our gratitude, develop our fortitude, and think about how we can advance our servitude. Let’s support this efforts and their resources to remember, grieve, and celebrate heroes in the past, and also to get us together and stay in mental and physical shape be prepared to react to, recover from and help others next time…

Meet Tom Baxter of the 911 National Memorial Trail Foundation

They have a 1300 mile trail from the Pentagon to Shenksville PA to the World Trade Center site in New York. Walk, ride, bike and enjoy nature, learn American history, play Reality Health Game challenges, and stay in shape on the trail. Here is an interview being done as the Senate is considering approving this as a national landmark. If you are reading this, you are already supporting their efforts as we share net proceeds to help support them.

Go Hike the Trail with your FFH GO app

Click here to get an interactive map of the trail.