Force for Health Internship Programs & Overview

The company, My Healthy Globe, Inc is doing business as the Force for Health Network. (FFH).  This program works with nonprofits, schools and other agencies to create communities that support people including youth becoming a Force for Health for themselves and their community.  As a media network and engagement effort, we help communities address population health issues, social determinants of health mitigation, and workforce development issues by engaging individuals in empowerment of health, academic and financial literacy, service learning, and workforce development activities.

Time Frame:

We will accommodate most school schedules with a minimum of 5 hours a week commitment, with priority given to those that commit to multiple semesters or a capstone with 40 hours a week.


Successful candidate will:

  • Have a resume credential, high quality portfolio of content creation, program promotion and/or research contribution. 
  • Letter of Recommendation for next level such as graduate school or job from the medical director or CEO.
  • Ongoing relationships and networking in the growing online alumni community.


The FFH wishes to provide learning opportunities for career education, college and graduate students to have an opportunity to advance the FFH movement, earn portfolio and experience credentials, while also advancing their career goals and objectives.

Purpose Statement:

The FFH wishes to partner with organizations that care about the health, career, and financial   literacy of their members, and about the current and future health of the members of their community.

Learning Objectives:

The FFH will provide the opportunity to attain a series of skills and experience a series of opportunities that will increase the professionalism of the intern and the content offerings of the FFH. 

Upon completion of the course, the successful intern will:

  • Work with a subject matter expert or experts, to understand a concept and be able to support a health, career, civics, or financial comprehensive media and event portfolio with the creation, testing, launching, assessing its benefit for an intended audience.
  • Learn and become proficient with about 20 tools in graphics, publishing, project management, media creation, evaluation, online course creation, app development, and event planning as may be appropriate for the project.
  • Learn team meeting, matrix management coordination and support of colleague’s projects, and gain proficiency with meetings protocol, professional communication, and behavior.
  • Participate in testing, localizing, and launching the Force for Health GO augmented reality app for a community or topic related to their project
  • Have a portfolio with at least one high quality media elements they produced in the internship that will include:
    • An eBook suitable and ready for publishing on paper
    • A series of “Force Field” experiences in the Force for Health GO APP game
    • A series of graphics showing mastery of our graphics tools
    • An online interview suitable for network presentation with their SME or other person
    • An animated video supporting their campaign
  • Have mentored someone with less experience in starting a FFH Chapter at their school or club
  • Have created and participated in creating their own personal health, career, civics, and financial literacy improvement plan

Activities: Upon consultation with the FFH, a topic of interest will be identified and the intern will be matched with a professional mentor and a subject matter expert to work with for their term with us.

Example Activities that are available now:

  • Work with a diabetes education specialist and the FFH to create a comprehensive offering suitable for use with patients and family members in a YMCA or doctors office setting
  • Work with a pulmonologist to create a middle and high school tobacco prevention program and a  tobacco cessation component for current smokers of any age.
  • Activate creating a FFH Community Portal making a directory of services, needs assessments, and helping recruit a community council to promote youth health.
  • Build the train the trainer program for the FFH Club leadership to use online
  • Activate the worldwide launch of the FFH GO and Virtual Wellness Club apps.

Applications are on a rolling basis.  Email at [email protected]  for an application.

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