Tools to Help Consumers Eat Healthy on a Budget

Nutrition is a thread that runs through all the work we do at ODPHP — because we know that maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is a critical way to prevent disease and promote good health. As the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans tells us, there is substantial evidence that healthy diets can improve health and reduce the risk of chronic disease over the course of one’s life. But data shows that “Americans are falling short” in this regard, and the rates of diet-related chronic disease are increasing. For some, a barrier to…


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5 Essential Frameworks for Preventing Violent Child Death

The U.S. has a violent child death problem. Developing strategies to prevent violent child deaths death from firearms and traffic crashes is a demanding task that requires consideration of numerous upstream, interrelated, and tangential issues. To help safety advocates develop strategies to prevent violent child death, we compiled five frameworks to help: Understand and explain …
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USDA Dietary Guidelines Ignore Expert Advice to Cut Back on Sugar and Alcohol

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have issued their new dietary guidelines for 2020-2025. But they’re missing some important expert guidance: Reducing sugar and alcohol intake. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, made up of 20 expert scientists, advised that the USDA and HHS reduce suggested sugar intake …
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Comment Now: Limit Sugar, Alcohol in New Dietary Guidelines for Americans

A few years ago, scientists advised federal leaders to adjust the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to lower added sugar intake from 10% to 6% of daily calories and reduce men’s daily alcohol intake from two to one drink a day.  That advice was not taken.   Now those scientists – the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee – …
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What Are the Risk and Protective Factors for Violent Child Death?

Gun violence and traffic crashes may seem like unpredictable events. But they are not random. They are systematic. Data reveal trends and patterns in gun violence and traffic crashes that can help us identify risk factors and protective factors. This is especially important for addressing violent child deaths. So what does the data show? Join …
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As Social Need Screening Advances, Transportation Remains an Afterthought

Some big changes in 2022 and 2023 have set up the healthcare sector to advance screening for non-medical social needs in 2024 and beyond. This is great news as we work to address social determinants of health (SDoH), improve health outcomes, and reduce health disparities. But one key social need – transportation – isn’t getting …
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