HWF Summer Fest (One Year Anniversary) celebration

Photo credit Honorary Wrestling Federation
By Josh Yoder

LEWISTOWN – The HWF celebrated their first birthday on Sunday and threw one heck of a party and everybody was invited. Many HWF fans arrived at the Lewistown Community Center aka “The HWF Colosseum” for some exciting wrestling action. And they were not disappointed.
HWF Commissioner Trista Silks along with the President of Wrestling Phil Stamper opened up the show congratulating the wrestlers and thanking the fans for all of their support.
While one Silks was celebrating, another one was in a heated battle as the HWF champion Matt TRK Silks joined forces with Rayic Scott in the main event against the duo of Edward James and Steve Steel.
The match was so intense that could not be contained inside the square circle. Late in the match, Scott was chasing after the manager of James and Steel, Captain Decapitate around the outside before getting jumped by Steel. Then James jumped in and the three began hammering down on Scott.
Then out of nowhere, TRK got up onto the top turnbuckle and launched himself off with a moonsault and came crashing down on everybody igniting the crowd.
Silks and Scott looked to finish the match off with Matt setting James up for the Big Boot. However, just before he connected, James reversed and threw Silks into the boot of Scott.
While distracted, Steel came sneaking in and rolled up Scott to pick up the victory for his team.
But TRK has not much time to relax as now he now has his eyes set on Vam Williams who also on the show defeated Maddness Trip to become the number one contender for the HWF title on a later date. During the match, Trip was looking to finish Williams off with his finishing move the Deadfall but in the process of it accidently hit the official which allowed Williams to slip away, hit Trip with a low blow before nailing a frog splash for the one, two, three.
Speaking of championships, the SWA Mid-Atlantic Championship was on the line as champion, the Wild Man Robbie Paige defended the title against the Titan James Ford. It was one of the most physical contest for the whole evening. In fact, it originally ended on a time limit draw, but the match was restarted and still it wasn’t enough as both men fell out of the ring and continued brawling around the building as the referee counted them both out to end the match. Afterwards both man showcased respect for one another.
Tyler Moore and Samuel Master collective known as Black Privilege faced the team of Top Dawg and the Full Time Beast Evan Atlas of Dawg Nation for a chance for a spot to determine the new HWF Tag Team champions.
The match went back and forth and could have gone either way, but in the end, Top Dawg caught Moore with a vicious spine buster to pick up the win for his team. Now Dawg Nation will wait and see who they will face for the HWF tag titles.
There was even a wrestler who had not one, not two, but three championships at one time in the form of Andino who put all three of his championships on the line, the Chocolate City Championship, the 1CW Bulletproof Championship and the Kayfabe Junkie title against Andrew Loveless. Towards the end of the match, Loveless had Andino in a Muta Lock and tried to make Andino tap out. But Andino raked the eyes of Loveless and finished him off to retain all three titles.
The always popular Red Dawg competed at the show as he went one on one with RD Mosh in the opening contest. After being insulted by Mosh, Red Dawg proceeded to come out victorious with a knock out.
Hope and pray everyone had a good time at the show and congrats to the HWF for their one year anniversary and many more to come. Be safe out there everyone.

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