Pima College – FAW 291 / Fitness and Wellness Internship

FAW 291 / Fitness and Wellness Internship

Credits: 2.00CRN 23203/ Fall 2020

Instructor Information

Instructor Name: Nancy Gamboian, PhDInstructor Phone: 206-6685Instructor’s Email: [email protected] You can expect to receive a response within 24 hours during the workweek, Monday through Friday.Office Location/Hours: FSSC 108; M/W 2:30-4pm, Tu 1-2pm, Th 12-1pmDivision Dean: 520/206-3260, Edgar Soto

Course Information

Course Description: Volunteer health coach and employee wellness field experience at approvedwork sites. Includes positive work attitudes and practices, professional ethics, and employmentstrategies.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: FAW 182, 183, 184, FSS 234 (or 234A and234B), FSN 154 or FSS 241.

Information: May be taken concurrently with above prerequisites in the last semester. Designed forstudents in their final semester of course work in the Fitness and Wellness Specialist Certificateprogram.

Expectation of coursework hours: Students are expected to spend 2-3 hours outside of class forevery hour they spend in class working on classroom assignments, projects, readings, etc. Yourinstructor and college counselors can assist in setting up a time management plan to help you besuccessful in managing the course workload.

Course Meeting Days/Time: Self-paced with weekly check-ins with instructor

Course Delivery/Modality: Lecture/Lab

Student Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes:Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate appropriate professional skills in a variety of tasks assigned, while working in a supervised setting.
  2. Prepare a resume for an entry-level health/wellness coach position.
  3. Identify common barriers for client and develop solutions.

Grade and Instructor Policies

This course is intended as a professional development experience and will be graded on a P/Fbasis. The following requirements must be completed in order to successfully pass this course:

  • Submit a completed Student Contract
  • Documented completion of a minimum of 90 hours of internship experience for thesemester (14-wk. semester = 6.4 hrs/week)
  • Weekly check-in with instructor
  • Submit signed documentation of completed hours with descriptions of activities
  • Comply with all objectives and supervisor directives and satisfy requirements associatedwith work-site behavior, dress and safety

Ø Students will be evaluated on an on-going basis by site supervisors throughout the semester.Failure of students to meet site objectives during the semester will be met by an interventionprocess with the instructor.

Attendance Requirements/Active Participation

A failure to participate as required may result in loss of financial aid and failure in the class. Forevery credit hour of your classes you should plan to spend approximately two to three hoursoutside of class studying each week. Attendance requirements (https://www.pima.edu/programs-courses/credit-programs-degrees/attendance.html)

Key Dates

Student Resources and Policies

Access and Disability Resources (ADR) can provide accommodations to students with qualifyingmedical/psychological conditions, disabilities, and pregnancy. For more information:https:/www.pima.edu/current-students/disabled-student-resources/requesting-services/index.html