

You the People Citizenship Project

Professional Title

Founder, Author, Retired Colonel

Bio and Background

COL Charles T. Heberle III was raised in Gloucester, MA. He has a BA in Government from Norwich University. He spent 28 years in the U. S. Army as a helicopter pilot, educator, Pentagon planner, and diplomat at NATO. He has an MA in Psychology (Group Dynamics) from the University of Northern Colorado, and did additional post-graduate work at the Harvard Business School, the University of Southern California, and the U. S. Army War College.He is currently the President of The Citizenship Project and You the PEOPLE, a company founded in 1991. 

This organization seeks to improve the citizenship awareness and involvement of Americans and other democratic citizens. The You the PEOPLE program, which was developed and copyrighted by Mr. Heberle, trains citizens to use a small group process to improve their skills and capabilities and run their communities in partnership with their government.

The Citizenship Project sponsors lectures and training programs on behalf of effective citizen participation. The student version of You the PEOPLE is used in over 3000 high schools nationwide.

The Adult version is used in communities to build a partnership between the people and their government where people learn how to interact with their government regularly, rationally and responsibly and know whom they are electing and evaluate them regularly. It is easy, effective, and fun!

Why I am a Force for Health® Member...

“We must know our own obligations as a citizens first, then be kind when learning about differences.”

I am happy to partner with the Force for Health® Network to help strengthen this message throughout their communities.

I urge you to complete my course, You the People!

General Information



Last Name



Charles Heberle