Latinas, Comment on How COVID-19 Is Impacting Women’s Health!

The National Institute of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Women’s Health is seeking comments on how to improve treatment for the intersection of women’s health and COVID-19.

COVID-19 has impacted all women, but Latinas have been consistently at high risk.

Not only has the disease disproportionately hit this population, but it also has caused delays in screenings and care for other women’s health issues.

If you want to help researchers at NIH study women’s health, you can leave a comment.

Responses will be accepted through Friday May 6, 2022.


NIH is seeking public comments on research gaps, clinical practice needs, and research opportunities.

You can leave a comment to NIH telling them how you think researchers should consider Latina health and COVID-19.

As you write your comment, consider asking yourself:

  • How have I, or women I know, been impacted by COVID-19?
  • What women’s health issues do Latinas face?
  • What health issues have I, or women I know, neglected because of COVID-19?

The deadline for comments is May 6, 2022.

Hit the orange button to leave your comment!


How COVID-19 Has Impacted Latina Health

COVID-19 can affect anyone, but data shows Latinos and other people of color are disproportionately affected.

Latinos currently comprise 25.1% of COVID-19 cases in the United States, second only to white people –(53.4%), according to CDC data on health equity and cases on March 16, 2022. Race/ethnicity data is available for 65% of the nation’s cases.

Latinos are also behind in booster shots and experience higher rates of  COVID-19-associated hospitalizations.

Pregnant Latinas also have lower COVID-19 rates than others, which puts them at higher risk for illness.

In addition to the impact that COVID-19 has had on cases and deaths in the community, the pandemic has also led to a decline in cancer screenings.

This is important as Latinas experience breast cancer and cervical cancer at higher rates than other groups.

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in Latinas. While breast cancer death rates have declined in recent years, the rate of decline among Latinas is lower (1.1% per year) than their white peers (1.8% per year).

Cervical cancer, which is preventable through screening and vaccination, is 32% higher among Latinas in the 50 U.S. states and 78% higher in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, compared to non-Latina white women.

Delaying cancer screening can have poor health consequences and increase cancer inequities.

You can speak up about Latina health by submitting your comment to NIH!


The post Latinas, Comment on How COVID-19 Is Impacting Women’s Health! appeared first on Salud America.

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