Healthy Vision Month: A Family Focus

May is Healthy Vision Month!

The National Eye Institute (NEI) has theme for Healthy Vision Month—”Healthy Vision: A Family Focus” and “Visión saludable: ojos sanos para su familia.”

This is important because families of color, like Latinos, face barriers to eye health care.

“We want to inspire families to team up and learn how to protect their vision together! We’re centering this year’s campaign around people who are more likely to have eye problems because of barriers in access to eye care,” according to NEI. “A note to Spanish-speakers: Instead of directly translating, we purposefully transcreated some elements of the Healthy Vision Month content to make sure it’s culturally relevant.”

Here are five ways to promote health equity and healthy vision for families.

1. Meet the Organizations that Bring Healthy Vision Month to Life

Find organizations that are dedicated to promoting health equity and helping people protect their eye health.

Our team at Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio is proud to be one!

2. Spread the word about simple steps everyone can take to protect their vision

Check out NEI’s sample social media messages and shareable graphics.

NEI healthy vision month message 1 spanishFind them in Spanish, too.

“Vision health is something that affects everyone in the family — from kids to parents, to grandparents,” according to NEI. “It can be hard to know how to help take care of your whole family’s eye health through every stage of life.”

3. Join NEI for a Facebook Live Event on 5/27/22!

This Healthy Vision Month, NEI is hosting a Facebook Live event where parents and caregivers will have an opportunity to chat with doctors about their family’s eye health.

They can also ask important questions about how to keep their families’ eyes healthy.

Tune in to listen to the live discussion with parents and doctors at 11 a.m. Central May 27, 2022.

4. Promote NEI’s Healthy Vision Resources

Share NEI’s resources in English or Spanish to help everyone learn how to protect their eye health. Also, check out Salud America!‘s seven vital eye health tips for glaucoma, which is more prevalent among Latinos.

NEI also has resources in English and Spanish to connect families to programs that can help pay for eye care.

“Making sure everyone has access to quality eye care gets us a step closer to achieving health equity,” according to the agency.

5. Download a ‘Health Equity Report Card’ for Your City!

You can address gaps in other areas of health equity, too.

Download a Health Equity Report Card from Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio.

Health Equity Report CardWith the report card, you can see how many people face inequities in food access, education, income, health care, and more.

Then you can email your Health Equity Report Card to community leaders. You can also share on social, and build the case to address health equity issues in at-risk areas!


The post Healthy Vision Month: A Family Focus appeared first on Salud America.

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