Learning Objectives:

The learner will be introduced to the official United Nations 17 Sustainable Goals, and will be challenged to identify ways they can support these with their knowledge, skills and resources. The concept of acting locally and impacting globally will be reinforced.


Suggested use is with high school students or older to supplement civics, STEM, health or civics course content. Each of the 17 lessons can be done in 15-45 minute class discussion sessions, or as a self study assignment.


For each chapter, have the learner use their notes section to list their idea of what they can do and then create a report, document, or presentation of their ideas or actions.

Reality Health Game: Your learning and actions support real health issues in the world….your points all count in the Reality Health Games. This journey can earn up to 1000 points.Thank you for being a Force for Health.

Journey Content

Lesson Plan for Group Leader or Teacher

Let's Explore the 17 Sustainable Goals
1 of 2

About Instructor


79 Journeys

Open Registration

Journey Includes

  • 21 LEARN It! Challenges
  • 2 Quizzes