LEARN It! Challenge 2 of 3
In Progress

Reduce Screen Time: Basic Health Goal

We all know that spending too much time looking at the computer, phone, or tablet isn’t good for us. That’s why it is extremely important to keep screentime under 2 hours.

1) Eye Strain

Looking at your computer screen, your TV screen, and any other screens for too long can cause eye strain. It’s not just the strain of your eyes that you have to worry about either, Screentime can also damage your vision. After all, it’s called Screentime for a reason. Screens emit light which reflects off the back of the screen onto your retina. Repeated exposure to this light can be damaging to your vision

2) Screentime can be Addictive

Screens emit scents that are chemically very similar to substances like cocaine. This is because the retina absorbs this light and releases dopamine, which makes us feel good. Screens also release opiate-like substances called endorphins, which block pain receptors in your nervous system. Screens offer instant gratification which can soon turn into Screentime addiction.

3) Screens reduce your ability to sleep

Screens emit blue light which messes up our body’s internal clock/circadian rhythm. This is the cycle in which our bodies tell us when it is time to be awake and when it is time to sleep. Screens emit this light even when the screen is off. Screens emit this blue light for 2 hours after being turned off, so try to avoid Screentime at least 2 hours before bedtime.

4) Screens prevent you from doing other things

Screens are addicting which means Screentime should be kept under 2 hours a day to avoid addiction. Screens also interfere with the ability to focus on other tasks, Screentime should be kept under 2 hours a day for mental health.

5) Screens hurt your social life

Screens are addicting which means Screentime should be kept under 2 hours a day to avoid addiction. Screens can also cause emotional distance between Screentimers and others in their lives. Screens also interfere with the ability to focus on other tasks, Screentime should be kept under 2 hours a day for social health.

With Screentime being so harmful, it is extremely important to keep Screentime under 2 hours each day. If you are planning on Screentime, it is recommended to take Screens breaks after Screentime. It can be beneficial to look at things that aren’t Screens for a few minutes every now and then, but Screens should still be limited as much as possible.

6) Push back and take a walk or visit and talk with someone and get away at least once an hour if you can, especially if your job or school has your there all the time. Consider standing up and use a standing desk some of the time if this is the case.