LEARN It! Challenge 2 of 3
In Progress

Make a Goal!


  • When you’re designing your personal fitness program, consider your fitness goals:
    • Think about your fitness likes and dislikes.
    • Note your personal barriers to fitness.
    • Consider practical strategies for keeping your fitness program on track.
  • Starting a fitness program can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
  • Examples of beginner fitness goals include:
    • Trying to do something active every day
    • Use a tracker and try to get a certain number of steps
    • Set a goal to stand up and stretch or walk every hour
    • Take a walk after dinner instead of watching TV
  • Start your fitness pledge today by filling in your priority goals on your own personalized weight tracker below.  Click on the preferences tab and enter in your key information, such as weight goal, height, etc,

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You need to be logged in to record your weight. .