Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation

@sudden-cardiac-arrest-foundation · Non Profit


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  • Non Profit
  • United States

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  • The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to raise awareness about sudden cardiac arrest and help save lives. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in the U.S., affecting about 1,000 people outside hospital settings every day.

    On average, only one in 10 victims survives. We are working to improve survival rates through education, research and community resources.

    EDUCATION: Our goal is to triple survival rates by arming the public with information that will help saves lives, including education initiatives that increase bystander action—from CPR training to public awareness campaigns.

    RESEARCH: We conduct research to help determine public understanding of SCA and improve the information we share. And we work with hospitals and universities to better understand the impact of SCA on the quality of life for both SCA patients and their families.

    COMMUNITY: Community resources are a critical part of SCAF. We help thousands of families impacted SCA. And, we provide community resources that are vital to survival—including AED donations to churches, schools, and other community locations.

    For more information, please and join our You Can Save a Life group.