
  • 2 people follow this
  • Neighborhood and Built Environment - Non Profit - Social Determinant of Health Areas
  • Florida

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  • The High Alert Institute combines decades of disaster-readiness experience with environmental stewardship, to mitigate the risks and impact of climate change.

    Our Mission

    The High Alert Institute helps those not served by municipal, local, county, state, regional or federal programs/agencies to be disaster ready.

    Program Details


    We will support, promote and when possible, provide:

    • Disaster Education, Planning, and Preparedness for animal owners, animal caretakers, and animal welfare organizations.
    • Disaster Response and Recovery for animal owners, animal caretakers, and animal welfare organizations.
    • Disaster Rescue, Domestic Violence Respite, and Voluntary Surrender for freshwater non-native exotic and ornamental aquatic pets. Shelter for rescued and surrendered freshwater non-native exotic and ornamental aquatic pets.
    • Coordination and Mutual Aid between freshwater non-native exotic and ornamental aquatic pet rescues and shelters in North America.


    The High Alert Institute, Inc. envisions a world where all people, families, communities, businesses and organizations are disaster ready.


    The High Alert Institute helps those not served by municipal, local, county, state, regional or federal programs/agencies to be Disaster Ready.

    We will advance:

    • Alignment of Emergency Management and Disaster-Readiness guidance to match best practices in animal care, rescue, conservation, and welfare.
    • Technology to reduce the carbon footprint for aquatic animal care, while increasing the resilience of aquaponic facilities in the face of natural and manmade disasters.
    • Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion Practices in the profession and integrate these as values into our organizational culture.

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