Pima Intern Feedback

I will not be able to make either of these events.

Melissa Nelson

I posted 3 events. Two are local races, the other is health related event. I was able to find quite a few events and enjoyed learning how to add things to the calendar.

Melissa Nelson

Adding a test client was really easy. Every step is easy to follow. The layout is easy to follow.

I like that there seems to be a lot to do with clients. I like that with the digital aspect, it seems ideal for clients to have their information ready at hand via the app or the website.

no feedback

I really enjoyed adding a test client. It was easy and surprised how much information is readily available to the coach and client.

Melissa Nelson

I like that the Virtuagym has an extensive range of exercises. Maybe organizing them in muscle groups or by body parts would help clean up the long list look.

I haven’t used an app like this before. I can see the potential here. I like that they are separate apps.

The nutrition app has potential but some of the areas where text would seem to be cut off. I feel that there could be more detail regarding the calorie, carb, protein, fat amount, maybe in gram form instead of percentages.

The coaching app tells me I need access or permission in order to add a client to the coaching app.

Melissa Nelson

I enjoyed the site. I feel it is most helpful as self education and would serve as a tool for the communities that are lacking this type of self education on health.

There is just the right amount of information without getting bored of reading the text. I

The nutrition app seems to have limited info. Information seems to be cut off instead of displaying full detailed information.I wish that the infographics had a voice over or speech of what the actual diagram entailed, while interacting with them.

the badges would not mark as complete because the surveys would not read as being finished.

Melissa Nelson

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in The Force for Health® Active Communities
