General Information



Last Name

Science Teacher




Why I am a Force for Health® Member...

This is where I can leverage the Force for Health to make my texts and labs come alive. It saves me time, and also gets my students engaged with solving real world problems that are meaningful to them, not just doing a hypothetical worksheet again.

How I use the Force for Health Network Tools

My main use is making sure they have the basic tech skills to teach themselves with the resources the FFH gives them. The medical school quality anatomy and physiology intrigues them as their bodies are changing. The STEAM teams have them dealing with local real world problems and reinforces the scientific method even if they take on a social or logistical issue with their club or another teachers class. Their access to astronauts, engineers, physicians, and other mentors is ongoing and very valuable and I encourage my students to take advantage of the “Office Hours” feature with Dr. Rob and his colleagues.