General Information



Last Name

Health Teacher


Harriet Health Teacher



My Healthy Awesome School

Why I am a Force for Health® Member...

We are in a pandemic of a virus, obesity, drug abuse, and mental health issues. I am a Force for Health to be able to use these tools to help my students thrive and not just survive through the current crisis.

How I use the Force for Health Network Tools

My students will be part of the solution as the health literate members of their family to help get us through the current crisis. That’s what happened after Hurricane Katrina and gang shootings in Chicago in previous years.

All my students do their own wellness plans and use the Basics and Ambassadors courses. VIVA video challenge is where I start. They learn them, and then can teach with them. For those that wish to engage further, the 360 Human has the medical school quality models and animations for deeper understanding.

Health literacy concepts for recognizing issues and accessing care round it off.

Some of my students worked are a COVID Force within our school to help make it cool to do the healthy and infection prevention activities.

We culminate with a STEAM Team doing an IDEAS project. We literally advance the health of a real person or group of people with our projects….and the health, science and social studies teachers love the crossover.