Meet Nikki Moore, LMFT, from Cologuard Classic’s Night of Champions honoring late husband, Matt Moore

Publisher’s Note: The Force for Health® Network teamed up with Butt Check for some special interviews from the 2023 Cologuard Classic Night of Champions, honoring loves ones, caregivers and advocates of Colon Cancer.

Meet Nikki Moore, LMFT, widow and advocate as she honors her late husband, Matt Moore, with her reflections and advice. #LiveMoore #ColonCancerAwareness #CologuardClassic #Buttcheck #ForceforHealthHeroes

Live life to the fullest because you never know how much time you have.”

-Nikki and Matt Moore, #LiveMoore

Tell Us about yourself:

My name is Nikki Moore and I am a caregiver in widow of colorectal cancer for my late husband Matt Moore.

What brings you out today?

I have been coming out here for the past five years to honor him and to advocate for colorectal cancer awareness.

Tell us your story

Matt had a financial firm and he was under a lot of stress when they were doing a financial acquisition. He started getting tired and irritable, not himself, and kept pushing for testing which eventually led to his colonoscopy. He was 31 years old when he was diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer – seven months pregnant at the time – so our world got flipped upside down quickly.

It has been six years since we lost him, during which time I’ve done much advocacy work and raised money for the cause and continued to run the company started by my late husband, Live Moore Company. The apparel brand raises awareness for colon cancer, but also encourages people to live life to the fullest because you never know how much time you have.

Matt passed away at 32, leaving me behind with a 14 month old son. So I do it as a tribute to him as well as hoping no other family has to suffer what we did.

What is your message for folks today?

My message is simply that young adults should trust in their bodies if something feels off and that medical professionals will take them seriously – often times by the time people are screened or diagnoses it is too late when they started having symptoms much earlier. Colon cancer staging is imperative to survival if one can get an early diagnosis there is a 90% chance of survival!

What are your takeaways from the 2023 Cologuard Night of Champions?

And so it’s amazing that people come together and as I’ve been coming here for over five years and you know, Jerry Kelly has you know started this with a friend who had colorectal cancer and since he’s passed and he’s continuing to golf for him. And I just think it’s just a community of support and love and advocacy and it’s really powerful and special.

Watch these additional videos about Nikki and Matt Moore:

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