Pre-Op Shower and Fasting

Thinking for myself, I’m a doctor. There’s nothing worse than someone with horrible, horrible hygiene and body odor coming in the morning of a surgery.…

The Operating Room

Preparing for surgery can be daunting, especially as you enter the operating room. Your family isn’t permitted inside, and the room is filled with people…

Pre-Op Checklist

Do you have a checklist prepared before heading to the hospital? It’s important to have one for when you’re discharged as well. A helpful resource…

Getting Discharged and Going Home

Alright, I’m being discharged and heading home. Don’t rush it until you’re ready and have the necessary support at home. If you’re unsure, ask to…

Anesthesia Concepts

Anesthesia means to get rid of the feeling or “the esthesia”. I find the “an” which means opposite or “anestheisa” which is avoiding the pain.…

Your Medical History

Before surgery, you’ll be asked about your medical history, likely by a nurse or anesthetist. It’s important to provide a comprehensive list of your heart…

Get Points in the Reality Health Games

Transcript: You know, as I’m getting ready to have surgery on my neck, August 8th, I’m thinking a lot about these reality health games and this logo here. You know, it’s, it’s our way at the force for health network to give you points for everything you do to advance your health. Every step you take, our apps are capturing every lesson you take. we’re capturing and, which the things you do for yourself and for your community, You get points for. And I guess I wanna earn a lot of points and I want any of you that are going to get surgery, go through these 10 or 12, little, two to four minute videos. I just made, get points, be part of the force for health, be as health literate as you possibly can, but also play a little bit of a game. I want you to use the points to motivate you, to learn as much as you can pre-op and then to be as active as you can. Post-op I want to compete with you in terms of who’s got some good outcomes after surgery.  it’s a, let’s, gameify this real health issues and, not have it be as for boating, we are training for an event we’re like the Olympics. And instead of me doing a high jump, I need to undergo an hour or two of surgery on the top of my neck and, fix some things with my spinal cord. And that’s my event. And I’m going to get ready for it. I’m going to do the event and then post event. I’m going to continue training for the next stages of, those real health challenges in my life. I’m going to move, learn, serve, and earn. I’m going to protect the gift, the gift of my health. Join me, join the reality health games. I’m serious. Start getting points, get ready for your surgeries. Get ready to be the caregiver for someone who’s having surgery, be a force for health, for those for yourself, get through your challenges. And I hope you do. But also as a force for all, for those family members and neighbors, they’re going to need those rights to the hospital and those meals made or that encouragement postop, or that coworker to cover their work for a little while, but that babysitter to cover the kid care. life is not a game, but you know, you can have fun if the right attitude with just about anything you’re doing, join me the reality of games. I bet I’ll be on the leaderboard more than you will. good luck with your surgery and your illness and hospitalization planner. Summary: When you use the Force for Health, everything you do connected to the system gives…

Checking In

Upon arrival, ensure you have your registration documents, including any previous forms you were asked to sign, along with your insurance card and co-payment if…