Enjoy a leisurely family walk

LEARN It! Enjoying a leisurely family walk can be a great way to spend quality time together, and to get some exercise and fresh air.…

Eat mindfully

LEARN It! Eating mindfully is a way to fully engage with and appreciate your food, and to cultivate a sense of gratitude and awareness. It…

Listen to or play some music

LEARN It! Listening to or playing music can be a enjoyable and relaxing way to unwind and escape from the stresses of daily life. It…

Complete some mindful coloring

LEARN It! Completing some mindful coloring can be a fun and creative way to relax and de-stress, and to cultivate a sense of mindfulness and…

Watch a sunrise or sunset

LEARN It! Watching a sunrise or sunset can be a beautiful and peaceful way to start or end the day, and to appreciate the beauty…

Make peace with imperfections

LEARN It! Making peace with imperfections is a way to cultivate self-acceptance and self-compassion, and to embrace your unique qualities and strengths. It can also…

Complete some yoga poses

LEARN It! Completing some yoga poses can be a beneficial way to stretch and strengthen the body, and to improve flexibility and balance. It can…

Compliment someone

LEARN It! Complimenting someone is a simple way to show appreciation and recognition for something they have done or for a quality they possess. It…