Diversity CHAMPS

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This is a private group, co-hosted by the Angel Capital Association and the Force for Health® Network, for impact makers focused on delivery high quality connections and opportunities for diverse entrepreneurs by aggregating capital sources that care.

CHAMPS stands for C-Suite Heroes Advancing Minority Produced Start-Ups, and will feature weekly podcast and video features that will be shared publicly, designed to increase the awareness and power of funding high, growth, minority-owned business development systems across the globe.

We welcome your voices and opinions and we look forward to making impacts with our Diversity CHAMPS together!


First of all, if you are reading this, thank you so much for your time and attention here. This group is really formed to help facilitate connections and opportunities amongst various funders of the entrepreneurial ecosystem that care about impacting diversity disparities in the start-up and venture capital space.

Please refrain from posting ads or non-relevant content. Our admins will monitor accordingly. This is a closed, but open group, which means that we have allowed group members to invite others who could contribute voice, content and other resources to amplify our collective initiative together.

TEAM or GROUP Journeys

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Journey Progress
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Journey Progress
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Journey Progress
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