Force for Health Hero Spotlight: Advancing the Dream with Larry Starks in Tucson, Arizona

Advancing the Dream: Tucson Juneteenth Festival and Community Commitment

Introduction: In a recent interview with Larry Starks, the President of Tucson Juneteenth and Omega Phi Psi Fraternity, Inc., we gained insights into his dedication to advancing the dream and his commitment to community engagement here in Tucson, Arizona.

Tucson Juneteenth Festival: Starks sheds light on the rich history of the Tucson Juneteenth Festival, a tradition spanning over 50 years. Commemorating June 19th, 1865, the festival serves as a celebration of freedom, marking the day when the last 250,000 slaves were emancipated in Galveston, Texas. Starks emphasizes the festival’s role in bringing together the Southern Arizona community to enjoy the best of their shared heritage.

What “Advance the Dream” Means: To Starks, advancing the dream is more than a slogan – it’s a call to action. He stresses the importance of understanding one’s roots, acknowledging the progress made, and recognizing the work still ahead. For him, it’s about constant upward movement, climbing the stairs of progress and ensuring the legacy of those who fought for freedom is not forgotten.

Message to the Youth: In a heartfelt message to the youth, Starks urges them to get involved. He emphasizes the liberties they enjoy today are the result of the continuous efforts of those who came before. Encouraging them to join the ongoing fight for progress, he stresses the importance of understanding their role in shaping the future.

2024 Pledge to Advance the Dream: Starks, a man of action, shares his 2024 pledge to advance the dream. Committing to being a visible force in the community, he emphasizes the importance of leading by example. Whether asking others to join a cause or advocating for change, Starks makes it clear that he will be on the front lines, embodying the principles he advocates.

Conclusion: Larry Starks, through his leadership in Tucson Juneteenth and commitment to community engagement, exemplifies the spirit of advancing the dream. His dedication to honoring the past, inspiring the youth, and actively participating in community initiatives makes him a formidable force in the ongoing pursuit of progress and equality. As the Tucson Juneteenth Festival gears up for another year, Starks’s message resonates, reminding us all of the importance of staying engaged and moving forward together.

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