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Caring for a family member: What to know when you call

Here is what your care giver may need to know. Why not get ready before the call.

A woman suffers from pain in the ear. The auditory meatus hurts due to otitis media, cerumen plug, ear boil, or trigeminal neuralgia. On examination by a doctor.

Your child or other family member has a earache and a fever is likely to have an otitis media (a middle ear infection).

Here are some things that you may need to know about taking care of your child in general when they’re sick. 

We are concerned with fever and it is important to treat the fever consistently on the schedule 24 hours at a time.

Has your child ever used ibuprofen or Tylenol?

If a fever, how long has it been abnormal?

Make a chart of the actual temperatures and times?

The fever will come back  if you don’t treat it !    

We normally look for a fever and another symptom .   A fever alone is likely to be a viral infection. 

When looking for a sick child these are the questions that are critical.

Is the child otherwise behaving normally. Is he drinking fluids and eating?

Is there been a decrease in intake of food or water?

Is he breathing normally ? At rest is he breathing fast or seems to work hard to breathe?

Has there been any diarrhea?

Is there any inconsolable crying?

Sometimes a rash is important. Is there a rash. Take a couple pictures to share or to use to see if it is expanding.

If your child seems to get sick a lot and you’re wondering if it’s serious the basic question is is the child growing. ( growth chart) 

It is worth buying certain diagnostic things at the pharmacy.

Female pediatrician examines elementary age girl’s ear in pediatric clinic. Doctor using a otoscope or auriscope to check ear canal and eardrum membrane. So can you!

A thermometer is very useful.

And oxygen saturation meter typically cost $30. You can even buy an otoscope to look in your child’s ears for $15 and you can also look in their throat to see if there’s redness or white patches.

It is not hard to learn to use those devices. Take the other lessons that show you how if you wish.

Source: Haywood Hall, MD, Medical Director