Taking Responsibility for our Future

Source: TEDx SnoIsle Libraries, featuring Egils Milsbergs, Force for Health® Network Global Advisor

Publishers Note: If you are a regional or state leader or community stakeholder looking for ways to better support health, wealth and disruptive innovation in your communities, the this Watch and Learn Challenge is for you, featuring Egils Milbergs, Global Advisor for the Force for Health® Network.

Innovation expert Egils Milbergs and describes how innovation powers the business competitiveness and the quality of life in Washington State.

Egils founded the Center for Accelerating Innovation, which focuses on innovation ecosystems, accelerating entrepreneurship, and strategizing for sustainable economic growth and job creation.

He previously implemented a far-reaching patent and trademark law, directed a presidential commission on industrial competitiveness, and was charged with making Washington state the most innovative region in the world.

About Instructor


My Healthy Globe, Inc. is a technology based media group focused on customizing population health solutions for communities that care.

40 Journeys

Not Enrolled

Journey Includes

  • 2 LEARN It! Challenges
  • 1 Quiz