LEARN It! Challenge 2 of 3
In Progress

Move 10,000 Steps a Day: Basic Health Goal

Wow! Congratulations on choosing the 10,000 steps per day goal for a month! This is a great goal to set for yourself because it has been proven that 10,000 steps per day can help with weight loss and obesity; 10,000 will also give you the proper amount of exercise needed to improve your health.

 Here are some tips on how to reach 10,000 steps in a day.

Tip #1 is to always walk as much as possible.

10,000 steps can be 10,000 eventually or 10,000 at one time. If you want 10k at once then being consistent with 10k throughout the week will get those 10k done at one time.

Tip #2 is to try walking 10,000 steps after your work hours are over.

10,000 steps can be 10,000 eventually or 10,000 at one time. Waiting until you get home can make 10k in a day much harder (not impossible but harder). Waking 10k after work is 10k at one time.

Tip #3 is to count your steps every day for two weeks straight.

10,000 steps can be 10,000 eventually or 10,000 at one time. This way you know what 10k feels like and you could even beat that step record!

 Tip #4 is to try 10,000 steps on a day you know you can achieve 10,000.

10,000 steps can be 10,000 eventually or 10,000 at one time. 10,000 the next day would be 10,000 eventually. If you walk 10k today 10k tomorrow won’t matter as much! 10k today 10k at one time!

Tip #5 is to walk 10,000 steps a day during the weekend.

10,000 steps can be 10,000 eventually or 10,000 at one time. If you have a busy work week sometimes it’s better to start 10,000 steps during the weekend. 10,000 today 10,000 tomorrow 10,000 10k at one time!

        As you can see 10k in a day is very possible and isn’t that hard to do if you try your best. We hope this tips have helped some of you reach 10k at one time!   

Tip #6

Its ok to skip some days and rest up if you have foot pain, or other issues. Be careful not to let a day off turn into a week or more because you will get out of the habit. Consider an every other day goal or less steps if this was too ambitious.