LEARN It! Challenge 1, Topic 3
In Progress

Blood and Body Fluid Testing

LEARN It! Challenge Progress
0% Complete

An easy sampling to see what is happening in the body.

Blood is through the skin. Sputum or urine can also be obtained and examined. The examination of samples is done to look for infection, chemicals, and cells. 1. Infection: A sample is put into an incubator to see if germs grow. The blood should be sterile, which means no germs should be growing. If there are any germs, that could be a sign of infection. 2. Chemicals: Chemicals are measured in a machine and compared to expected amounts. High or low values give hints as to what may be wrong. Presence of abnormal chemicals in the blood may suggest lead poisoning. 3. Cells: A very high count of white blood cells can indicate an infection or even leukemia. A very low count could indicate a type of anemia.

Once a specimen is in the lab, a team of professionals, such as the lab technician, pathologist, or microbiologist can be involved in making the diagnosis. 

3d rendered HIV Virus in Blood Stream in dark background

The blood and other fluid testings allow detection of germs, poisons, imbalances, and cell dysfunctions that lead to diagnoses of conditions.