San Antonio, Use This Bilingual Website to Find Local Health Resources!

Where in San Antonio can you find a list of health clinics?

Mental health resources? Health coverage resources? Organizations with community health workers?

Fortunately, the local Health Confianza health literacy team led by UT Health San Antonio has the answers (and more) on its new bilingual resource website, and

Let’s explore the need for health literacy and how the new website will help improve preventive care!

What Is Health Literacy?

Health literacy is “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions,” according to the CDC.

In today’s world, health literacy is crucial for community members and health professionals, alike, to make daily health decisions, prevent disease, and achieve health equity.

Health equity is where everyone has a fair, just opportunity to be their healthiest.

Unfortunately, Latinos and other communities face barriers to health equity. These include lack of access to health care, financial instability, and housing, transportation, and food insecurity.

Amid a rise in discrimination and misinformation, there is a need for public outreach and education to set the stage for health equity and preventive health decisions.

Read about the threat of health misinformation!

What Is Health Confianza?

Drs. Jason Rosenfeld and Melanie Stone of UT Health San Antonio helped launch Health Confianza.

Health Confianza is a partnership of UT Health San Antonio, University of Texas San Antonio, and the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District to provide education, workforce training, health information, and resources to local residents.

The program targets 22 ZIP codes on the East, West, and South sides of San Antonio.

In these areas, leaders are taking action to encourage health literacy to improve healthcare access, ultimately to promote health equity. These include education on preventive healthcare and screening.

Read about the work of Health Confianza!

What Is the New

Health Confianza’s newest strategy to boost health literacy is and

health confianza local health resources literacy wellnessculturaThe bilingual website, created with health literacy principles and input from UT Health San Antonio public health experts and community health workers, is an online resource with preventive health information.

Find the following at

  • Local health clinics
  • Health coverage resources
  • Mental health resources
  • Organizations with community health workers
  • Downloadable health flyers and info

“This site is for community members but is also a useful tool for community health workers, social workers and other health and social service professionals, to stay up to date on the many resources we have in our community for referrals and networking,” according to Health Confianza leaders.

Visit (English) or (Spanish)!

How Can You Get Involved for Health Equity?

Select your county and get a Health Equity Report Card by Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio.

In your report card, you will see local maps, data, and gauges to compare public health issues to the rest of your state and nation.

You can email your Health Equity Report Card to local leaders to stimulate community change. Use the data in your materials or share on social media to raise awareness about the importance of address health inequities.

Get your Health Equity Report Card!

The post San Antonio, Use This Bilingual Website to Find Local Health Resources! appeared first on Salud America.

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