Buy a team member a coffee

LEARN It! Buying a team member a coffee is a small gesture that can go a long way in building relationships and fostering a positive…

Compliment someone

LEARN It! Complimenting someone is a simple way to show appreciation and recognition for something they have done or for a quality they possess. It…

Offer to complete a task for someone

LEARN It! Offering to complete a task for someone can be a generous and thoughtful gesture, especially if they are busy or feeling overwhelmed. It…

Acknowledge someone’s efforts

LEARN It! Acknowledging someone’s efforts is a way to show appreciation and support for the hard work they are putting in. It can also motivate…

Spend the evening device-free

LEARN It! Spending an evening device-free can be a great opportunity to disconnect from screens and social media, and to focus on being present in…


LEARN It! Meditating can help bring a sense of calm and clarity to the mind, and it can also have numerous physical and mental health…

Take a moment just for you

LEARN It! Taking a moment just for you is important for self-care and self-compassion. It’s a chance to prioritize your own needs and well-being, and…