Healthy Community Connections

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Connect with Community and Grow your Healthy Network

Every “body” and every community has basic health and population fitness needs that could be better addressed with stronger relationships, collaboration and information sharing.

We built the Force for Health® Network to facilitate these type of connections to make it easier for individuals to connect to safe, healthy networks with people who are like-minded towards healthier population strategies and solutions that make a difference.

We use a  highly collaborative, coordinated, multi-agency approach specifically designed to engage leaders from the healthcare, business, education and public sectors to better work together towards ensuring a healthier generation and lower costs for key stakeholders.

Country level, state levels and regional levels TEAMS are free and are available to all Force for Health® members at all levels.  We encourage you to connect with your local state and regional teams and start contributing your ideas or needs to take full advantage of the network.

Viewing all groups that are State Level TEAMS

Viewing all groups that are Regional Market TEAMS