Corporate Overview


My Healthy Globe™, a DE-based C-Corp dba as The Force for Health Network®, is a global social media, gaming, learning, fundraising and mixed media platform for individuals, families & communities that care about improving health outcomes for themselves, their families and their communities.

Our Virtual Interactive Platforms (V.I.P) are specifically designed to incentivize individuals, alongside the leaders from community health, civics, education and business, to connect, engage and compete with actions and goals that empower society and produce better health & wealth outcomes for everybody.


  • Our current state of health is risky for everybody – Obesity, inactivity, mental health and violence rates are on a dramatic rise
  • Healthcare costs are soaring and out of control for public and private healthcare leaders.  All sectors of a community need to get motivated to work together for better solutions for everybody
  • Teens can be an incredible resource, but are demotivated and disconnected from opportunities.  And some, don’t have access to wi-fi and internet.
  • There are major health and wealth disparities for minorities & rural communities, and COVID has now amplified these issues, creating a demand for action now


Our community activation toolkit is comprised of several templated, configurable and customizable modules that include: Free Force for HealthGO Challenge App, 360° Academy, V.I.P. Community L.E.A.G.U.E.S, Personalized Health Risk Assessments, Crowdsourced Fundraising Systems and mixed media, including AR, VR and print magazines (local and national)


We provide free, low cost and accessible health-based resources and incentives for individuals who need it most; a competitive opportunity for leaders to step up to the plate to support health; a media platform to celebrate and recognized achievers nationally (and globally), while improving health outcomes for their local communities.