COVID Confident Community?

Join COVID FORCE for Tools & Resources

Empowering our Youth to Help our Communities to Prevent, Prepare, Respond and Recover from COVID Together

Urgent Call to Action


A COVID Confident Community of Immunity, can rapidly emerge better off than before with better tools and resources.

Make your community a standout.   Make your individual efforts a standout

Win COVID Confident Community of Immunity designation.

It has killed at least half a million citizens in this country and probably millions worldwide we’re way behind with humanizing the world. 

But you know what We have vaccination hesitancy in our own backyards. What we’d like to do is create a full COVID force movements and address how we can get folks that are hesitating to be vaccinated, to understand the risks and benefits. 

And perhaps they’ll choose to kind of join the team and become part of their herd immunity and the safest way possible COVID force task force.

We’re basically creating the community health force program focused on COVID. We have a free program for middle school and high school students. We have a more advanced program and an, interventions program that can help you rapidly train become part of the force, integrating with your community right away to turn vaccination hesitation and do a vaccination confidence. 

So join us with the COVID forest and become a community with immunity. It’s a team sport, let’s all be running the same way. Get on board as an individual like you’re below and join, or as an community, we have resources for you that are afraid or with token costs, but we want to really win this. let’s take a shot for the team. Let’s work together. Let’s become a COVID confident community with immunity. 

Thank you, Dr. Rob Gilliam for the COVID force.



Membership is FREE and you are immediately eligible and encouraged to become a COVID FORCE FOR HEALTH member and earn certifications and awards as you help yourself and others.

Participate in about 2 hours of online training and earn your PREVENTION SPECIALIST BADGE

MEMBERS earn points and badges and have access to opportunities to help themselves, family, friends, and community organizations reduce the burden of COVID and speed the return to normal.

MEMBERS are eligible to become AMBASSADORS and join a STEAM TEAM to work aggressively on problems in their community as a team and to meet and work with health and community leaders. 

STEAM STANDS FOR STUDENTS TAKING EXTRAORDINARY ACTIONS AND MEASURES as team solve a problem with actions or research. They can share their work at an annual conference and compete for prizes and scholarships.

  • Chamber of Health Portal for coordination of organizations, agencies, events, and campaigns

  • Force Field augmented “points of interest” to get your community moving again and making it fun to be out again

  • Academy for validated shared learning resources

  • Community service push to improve social determinants and create youth servant leaders.

  • The outcome:  high level of health literacy and compliance with vaccination and other public health measures.

Community leaders, call us to set up the region.   Individuals, simply join as an Ambassador and then ask to join the COVID Force.

Basic members join and have exposure to the basics, and a large collection of CDC and other validated content and outreach tools. 

Ambassadors get involved in learning more science and can advance their careers with pathways training towards CHW and EMT’s. 

STEAM TEAM members get to compete in the L.E.A.G.U.E.S REALITY HEALTH GAMES  and win local and national recognition and real world health promoting prizes such as food, work out gear, gardening supplies, scholarships, and VIP visits and more. 

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COVID FORCE Challenges

Can you Earn these Badges and Earn your Way to the top of the COVID Force Leaderboard?

COVID Resource Tools




The Force for Health® Network has teamed up with GreenStem Sanitizer and Design to bring custom logo, USA Made, FDA Approved, top quality sanitizer, with the maximum protection at 80% US grade alcohol to schools and other youth serving organizations to help everybody STAY WELL.

If you are wondering how to step up and help support our schools, as we all try and get back to normal, amidst the COVID backdrop, please consider supporting them with top quality, hand sanitizer bottles for every student in 2 oz custom logo’d bottles, to make sure every body has the opportunity to sanitize regularly and stay well.  

When we support and protect them, we support and protect their families, their workplaces and the community.